Direct mail is a beautiful thing once you have a well-crafted letter written in our style of marketing. Our client, Brad Podmore of Coffee & Tea Supplies WA, sent 97 copies of the letter we wrote for him and picked up a new client worth more than $8,000 in net profit per year! Brad’s Giovanni […]
Is There Life After MYOB Accounting?
Thousands of business owners have chosen to use MYOB Accounting software systems. However, what other accounting systems are used by Australian businesses? Interesting question… I found this useful list: Business Vision 50 Accounting BusinessWorks DacEasy MAS 90 MAS 200 Microsoft Dynamics GP Microsoft Money MYOB Accounting MYOB Premier One Write Plus Peachtree Sage – Simply […]
Are You Stuck In The ‘Wrong’ Mode For Business Success?
Entrepreneur v.s. Employee tasks – what’s the difference? Just had one of those days where you were just putting out fires in your business and you feel like throwing in the towel? The reason often is due to the business owner not setting up the right systems to handle the business operations. It’s a mind-set […]
FREEING UP YOUR TIME – why use video?
These days, most business owners use computers and technology. For example, you would have a computerised bookkeeping system in your business. Now we know that you will have say some very specific instructions for a certain bookkeeping process. Or, for that matter, ANY SOFTWARE PROGRAM your staff may be using. Wouldn’t it be great to […]
What Richard Branson Thinks About The Late Steve Jobs (Apple)
I was very sorry to hear about the recent passing of Steve Jobs (Pixar, Apple). Showing my age and confessing to be an early techie – I followed the rise of Apple and Microsoft in the early 1980s and was familiar with the intial Apple computers. Then, over the past three decades I read many […]
Want To Market Your Services To An Industry Or Niche?
Often good marketing requires TARGETING your ideal industry or niche – whether it’s accountants, lawyers, engineers, etc – or even the wealthy clients of the accountants, lawyers, engineers, etc. By finding and joining suitable associations, you get the opportunity to “hang out” with your target market. You can then find out their specific needs and […]
How Your Customer Promise Can Increase Sales
I’m a big fan of how IKEA does business – especially their marketing and sales methods. If you can – make a trip to an IKEA store to simply view how they retail – you’ll certainly learn a lot. The Customer Promise Closely following the vision for your business is your definition of your business […]
Building Your Business Asset – How Much Is Your Business Worth?
Bumped into one of my colleagues in the business broking industry – John Denton from Performance Business Sales. It’s always good to chat to John as he has the ‘finger on the pulse’ regarding the business sales market goes. One particular statistic that I’m always interested in – is the ROI multiples for particular industries. […]