A quick post this week reveals… the 7 ways you could use to communicate (and market to) your prospects and customers: Mail (post) eMail SMS Social media and messaging apps Fax – still used in some industries Personal visit Phone To make these media work for you requires a good prospect or customer database, except […]
How To Attract Your Ideal Customers Or Clients – Part 1
When it comes to marketing to attract your ideal customers or clients, whether it’s a consumer (B2C) or a business (B2B), you’ll get the most effective use of your advertising dollars if you TARGET. You see, if you advertise very broadly such as in mass media for example, city newspapers, radio or television you’ll attract […]
Where To Spend Your Business Advertising Budget For The Best Results
Want to know where your customers spend their time so you can maximise your advertising dollars? The graph below is a break-down of how much time consumers spend (as a percentage) with each media (BLUE). And the percentage of dollars spent (as a percentage) by business advertisers (RED). Source: Mary Meeker, KPCB (Kleiner Perkins Caufield […]
What Not To Do With Your Business Telephone Number
Have you had this problem before? I was looking for the telephone number for a supplier we have used in the past. I found the number in an old email on my computer. Rang the number and got a Telstra message saying the number was disconnected. Oh, no… Looked up the business name in Whitepages […]
What Are QR Codes And How Can They Be Used In Your Business
What are QR codes? Well, they’re similar to the barcodes used by retailers to track inventory and price products at the point of sale. The main difference between the two is the amount of data they can communicate. Traditional bar codes which I’m sure you’re familiar with use vertical lines and can only hold up […]
How Your Customer Promise Can Increase Sales
I’m a big fan of how IKEA does business – especially their marketing and sales methods. If you can – make a trip to an IKEA store to simply view how they retail – you’ll certainly learn a lot. The Customer Promise Closely following the vision for your business is your definition of your business […]
Corporate Business Finally Uses Some Good Marketing
Ahhh, so refreshing to see a corporate business use some good marketing and a bit of fun. Traditional Corporate Marketing – oh, so, so boring! Isn’t it amazing that almost all the marketing we see as consumers (and business owners) from the corporate world is so dry and boring. This includes the thousands of corporate […]
Getting More Customers – Fast! (part 1)
Often business owners contact me because they need more customers – and more cashflow – today! So how do we achieve this goal for our clients? The answer : We start with our Kinetic Media & Marketing ‘INSTANT CASHFLOW’ checklist! One item on the checklist is the break-down of sales process into two components : […]