Do have a business that has other businesses as clients (i.e. B2B), such as an accounting or law firm, printing, computer, wholesale or sign business, etc? If you do you’ll know that your company deals with a mix of smaller and bigger clients. Most likely 20% of your clients are larger – and most often […]
How To Make Your Business More Valuable
What would entice someone to make you BIG offer to purchase your business? Besides making cash-flow profit – another potential benefit is a large CAPITAL GAIN when you go to sell your business.
Where To Spend Your Business Advertising Budget For The Best Results
Want to know where your customers spend their time so you can maximise your advertising dollars? The graph below is a break-down of how much time consumers spend (as a percentage) with each media (BLUE). And the percentage of dollars spent (as a percentage) by business advertisers (RED). Source: Mary Meeker, KPCB (Kleiner Perkins Caufield […]
What Not To Do With Your Business Telephone Number
Have you had this problem before? I was looking for the telephone number for a supplier we have used in the past. I found the number in an old email on my computer. Rang the number and got a Telstra message saying the number was disconnected. Oh, no… Looked up the business name in Whitepages […]
Does Your Business Run Without You? If Not, Here’s What To Do About It
Just had one of our Marketing Project Specialist team members request carer’s leave for at least three weeks – if not more. You know what it’s like as a business owner, managing human resources can be a real issue. Having to fill in for team members certainly isn’t the way to own a business that […]
Is There Life After MYOB Accounting?
Thousands of business owners have chosen to use MYOB Accounting software systems. However, what other accounting systems are used by Australian businesses? Interesting question… I found this useful list: Business Vision 50 Accounting BusinessWorks DacEasy MAS 90 MAS 200 Microsoft Dynamics GP Microsoft Money MYOB Accounting MYOB Premier One Write Plus Peachtree Sage – Simply […]