IBIS World recently published a May 2020 report outlining the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on business industries. We, living in the new 21st century have already seen huge disruption to how we work and live. Unfortunately, the arrival of COVID-19 is forcing even faster change to the business environment. Every business is affected. Here […]
The Mastermind Business Success Strategy
In 1915, an elite group of men formed a ‘mastermind’. Their purpose: to explore ideas and help each other achieve greater success. Check out the mastermind principle in Chapter 10 of the classic text ‘Think And Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill. A quote from the best-selling ‘Think and Grow Rich’ book: "It is a well-known […]
Crucial Business Strategy Gets Ignored By Most
Here’s an article by David Dee that I came across recently. This article from Dee really ‘nails’ the importance of good marketing to grow a business and it’s revenue. I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve seen business owners ‘mess’ this up and focus on the ‘wrong’ thing. In Australia 94% of businesses never […]
Help – I Need A Big Business Client Fast!
Do have a business that has other businesses as clients (i.e. B2B), such as an accounting or law firm, printing, computer, wholesale or sign business, etc? If you do you’ll know that your company deals with a mix of smaller and bigger clients. Most likely 20% of your clients are larger – and most often […]
Did Google Send A Letter To Your Business?
Why is Google using direct mail (post) media instead of the Internet? Below is a letter I received at my business promoting Google’s advertising services. Surely an internet company would high-tech and use email or some other technology. It goes to show that direct mail is still a viable media strategy that works! About […]
Using The Open Day Marketing Strategy
Improving Local Awareness Of Your Business Using Open Days! This week I’ve got a good example of how to improve the local awareness of your business. Bunnings in Balcatta had an open day / weekend to celebrate the completion of their warehouse upgrade. My family and I went along and I would say they had […]
Free Marketing Strategy: Lead Generation In Public
You are enjoying an alcoholic beverage at a party or a network event and someone asks "What do you do?" Most business people in this situation will say something like "I’m an accountant", or "I’m a gardener", or "I have a gift shop in …" A response statement like that will result in a nod […]
Getting More Customers – Fast! (part 1)
Often business owners contact me because they need more customers – and more cashflow – today! So how do we achieve this goal for our clients? The answer : We start with our Kinetic Media & Marketing ‘INSTANT CASHFLOW’ checklist! One item on the checklist is the break-down of sales process into two components : […]