I came across this set of profiles by Wealth Dynamics. It’s an interesting way to classify various ways of attaining wealth through business and investing. Maybe one of these will ‘resonate’ with you… 1. The Creator – Builds innovative products Examples: Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Richard Branson 2. The Star – Builds an influential brand […]
Simultaneous Marketing Delivers Rapid Business Results
In Australia over 92% of businesses have an annual revenue (turnover) of less than 1 million dollars (source ASIC). This appears to be an amazing high number, but when you consider how many small businesses and shops there are in your local suburb it does make some sense. I often wonder why business owners settle […]
Crucial Business Strategy Gets Ignored By Most
Here’s an article by David Dee that I came across recently. This article from Dee really ‘nails’ the importance of good marketing to grow a business and it’s revenue. I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve seen business owners ‘mess’ this up and focus on the ‘wrong’ thing. In Australia 94% of businesses never […]
How To Make Your Business More Valuable
What would entice someone to make you BIG offer to purchase your business? Besides making cash-flow profit – another potential benefit is a large CAPITAL GAIN when you go to sell your business.
Big Opportunity For Savvy Business Owners
Owning any retail business in the current economic climate is a challenge. However it’s also a ‘golden’ opportunity. What would you rather do? Purchase a retail business at the peak of the market (last peak was 2007) and pay the ‘peak’ price. Or obtain a bargain at the bottom of the market which can only […]
Loss Of Walk-by Traffic – Don’t Let This Happen To Your Business!
I’ve been saying it for years… when it comes to marketing – you can’t simply rely on local walk-by or drive-by traffic. You are putting yourself at the mercy of the local conditions – car park changes, local council works, nearby building works, etc. Here’s proof… have a read of this article in The West […]
What’s Basketball Got To Do With Marketing?
A quote from Michael Jordan : "I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot, and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is precisely why […]
Free Marketing Strategy: Lead Generation In Public
You are enjoying an alcoholic beverage at a party or a network event and someone asks "What do you do?" Most business people in this situation will say something like "I’m an accountant", or "I’m a gardener", or "I have a gift shop in …" A response statement like that will result in a nod […]